sábado, 13 de junio de 2009

unit 4: People in the past



Bus driver: conductor d'autobus
Writer: escritor
Mechanic: mecanic
Secretary: secretaria
Actor: actor
Shop assistant: dependenta
Politician: politic
Artist: artista
Nurse: infermera
Composer: compositor
Hairdresser: perruquera
Police office: policia
Pop start: estrella del pop
Presentor: presentador
Vet: veterinaria
Carpenter: carpinter
Nunny: niñera
Dancer: ballari
Designer: diseñadora
Florist: florista
Dentist: dentista
Postman: carter
Plumber: lampista
Accountant: contable


Don't be late!: no arribis tard!
We were lucky: quina sort que tenim
Are you ready?: Tu ets llest?
You're a hero: soc un haroi

past simple affirmative(regular verbs)

watch + -ed = watched
listen + -ed = listened

Final -e:
live + -d = lived
dance + -d = danced

Final consonant + -y:
worry + -y =worried
study + -y = studied

Short vowel + consonant:
stop + double consonant + -ed = stopped
chat + double consonant + -ed = chatted

Past simple affirmative(irrregular verbs):

Be: was/were
Become: became
Begin: began
Go: went
Find: found
Have: had
Leave: left
Make: made
Meet: met
Win: won
Writer: wrote
Buy: bought
Come: came
Fly: flew
Do: did
Feed: fed
Run: ran
Forget: forgot

Hi han molts més

Could / Couldn't:


I could swim
You could swim
He could swim
She could swim
It could swim
We could swim
You could swim
They could swim


I couldn't swim
You couldn't swim
He couldn't swim
She couldn't swim
It couldn't swim
We couldn't swim
You couldn't swim
They couldn't swim


Anna: How was your weekend?

Paul: It was great. We went to the National football Museun.

Anna: Was it interesting?

Sara: Yes, we had a great time. We saw an exhibition about women's football.

Anna: Really?

Sara: What about you? How was your weekend?

Anna: It was terrible.

Paul: Why? What happened?

Anna: We had tickets for a footbal match, but I was ill, so we couldn't go.

sábado, 6 de junio de 2009

unit 3: Television


Televisions programmes:

Soap opera: tele novel·les

Documentary: documentals

Cartoon: dibuixos animats

Comedy: comedia

Sport programme: programes d'esports

Quiz show: concursos

Police drama: serie de policies

Reality TV programme: programa de la realitat

The news: les noticies


What's on TV: Que hi ha a la televisio?

They're boring: Ens estem aborrin

I know: Ho coneixo

Whatever: Que més


Nice: agradables
Gorgeous: guapisim
Exasusted: exaustiva

Dead: mort

Young: jove

Short: curt

Hot: calent

Sad: trist

Old: vell

Easy: facil

Long: llarg

Small: petit

Cold: fred

Happy: content

Boring: aborrit

New: nou

Tall: alt

Large: gran

Difficult: dificil

Far: lluny

Tired: cansat

Poor: pobre

Free: lliure

Slim: esvelt

Slow: lent

Energetic: energetic

Rich: ric

Cheap: barat
Bad: dolent

Comparative adjectives:

Short adjectives:

Old + -er = Older

Large + -r = Larger

Hot + -er = Hotter double consonant

Fanny + no y -ier = Funnier

Good + irregular = Better

Bad + irregular = Worse

Long adjectives:

Expensive = more + adjective: more expensie

Boring = more + adjective: more boring

Superlative adjective:

Short adjective:

Old + -est = the oldest

Large + -st = the largest

Hot + -est = the hottest: double consonant

Funy + - iest = the funiest

Good + iregular = the best

Bad + irregular = the worst


Paul: What's your favourite TV programme?

Charlote: Friend. I think it's great!

Paul: So do I. But I prefer the Simpson

Charlote: Really? Why?

Paul: In my opinion. The Simpson is fannier than Friend.

Charlote: I don't agree. I don't think cartoons are very funny.

My favourite TV programme

By Myrna

I think Cleo, Ricky and Emma in the middle is the best programme onTV. It's an American series about three girls that are sirens. I usually watch it with my famili because we all like it.

The most important characters are Cleo, Emma, Ricky and Lewis. They are friends, they have got one friend, Lewis, he is very intelligent.
I like Emma, she is intelligent, she like working hard and she is fantastic.

jueves, 4 de junio de 2009

unit 2: Music



cello: chelo
drums: bateria
guitar: guitarra
keyboard: teclat
piano: piano
saxophone: saxofon
trumpet: trumpeta
violin: violí
bass guitar: guitarra electrica
flute: flauta
clarinet: clarinet
harp: harpa
xylophone: xilofont


Guitarrist: guitarrista
drummer: bateria
trumpet: trumpetista
bass guitarist: un guitarista del baix
cellist: violoncelista
pianist: pianista
keyboard player: teclista
violinist: violinista
saxophonist: saxofonista


T-shirt: samarreta
trainers: sabates
jeans: texans
cap: gorra
top: top
trousers: pantalons normals
dress: vestit
tracksuit bottoms: xandal
jacket: jaqueta
sweatshirt: sudadra


Good idea: bona idea
Be careful: ves amb comte
She look fantastic: el teu look es precios
Are you having fun?: Te estas dvertint?

Present Continuous:


I'm singing
You are singing
He is singing
She is singing
It is singing
you are singing
we are singing
trey are singing


I'am not singing
you are singing
he isn't singing
she isn't singing
it isn't singing
you aren't singing
we aren't singing
they aren't singing


am I singing?
are you singing?
is he singing?
is she singing?
is it singing?
are you singing?
are we singing?
are they singing?

Can / Can't:

Affirmative: I can dance

She can dande
We can dance

Interrogative: Can she play the piano?

Yes, she can
No, she can't

Negative: You can't sing

He can't sing
They can't sing


Myrna: Do you know Arnau?

Arnau: No, I don't. Is he here?

Myrna: Yes, over there. He's got short, dark hair and he's wearing jeans and a blue top.

Arnau: Is he drinking some water?

Myrna: That's right.

Arnau: Is he a friend of your?

Myrna: Yes, he is. He sometimes plays volleybal with us. Let's go and talk to him.

Unit 1: Friends



Listen to music: escultar música

Play Volleyball: jugar a voleivol

Go to the cinema: anar al cine

Play computer games: jugar a jocs de l'ordinador

Read magazines: llegir revistes

Surf the internet: navegar per internet

Meet friends: quedar amb els amics

Go shopping: anar de compres

Go for dinner: anar a sopar

Go dancing: anar a ballar

Go for a walk: anar a passejar

Play football:jugar a futbol


What?: Que?

Great!: Bé!

Don't worry: No et procupis

What's so funny?: Que es tan gracios?

Present Simple:

Affirmative: I play football

Negative: I'm not play footbll

Interrogative: Am I play football?


Affirmative: Daily rotines and Real fact

he,she,it + "S","ES", "IES"

Negative: She doesn't study English

Don't+ base form Doesn't

Interrogative: Does she play football?

Do you go the cinema?

[Do/Does + subject + base form]

Question words:

Who?: Qui?
Why?: Per que?
Where?: On?
When?: Quan?
How often?: Cada quant?
What?: Que?

Adverbs of frequency:

Always: sempre

Usually: normalment

Often: sovint

Sometimes: algunes vegades

Hadly ever: casi mai

Never: mai


Homa: What CD is thi, Myrna?

Myrna: It's the Arrebato CD.

Homa: I can't stant Arrebato

Myrna: What music do you like?

Homa: Efecto Mariposa.

Myrna: What about Jonas Brothers? Do you like them?

Homa: They're fantastic. The guitarrist is really cool.

Myrna: Yeah, I really like them, too. Reading and writing:


My best friend is Elisabe Dalmau Soviros. She's thirteen years old and he birthday is on 1st January. She's got one sister. Her name is Laia. She's got one dog. Elisabet is tall. She's got dark hair and brown eyes. Elisabet and I go to the same school. It's called IES Castellò d'Empuries. We go to different classes. Elisabet's favourite subjects are maths and art. Elisabet's favourite sport is gymnastics. Elisabet's favourite colour is violet.Elisabet like film too. We go to the cinema very often, but we don't watch DVDs at her hause. She lives in Fortia, in a big hause.