Televisions programmes:
Soap opera: tele novel·les
Documentary: documentals
Cartoon: dibuixos animats
Comedy: comedia
Sport programme: programes d'esports
Quiz show: concursos
Police drama: serie de policies
Reality TV programme: programa de la realitat
The news: les noticies
What's on TV: Que hi ha a la televisio?
They're boring: Ens estem aborrin
I know: Ho coneixo
Whatever: Que més
Nice: agradables
Gorgeous: guapisim
Exasusted: exaustiva
Dead: mort
Young: jove
Short: curt
Hot: calent
Sad: trist
Old: vell
Easy: facil
Long: llarg
Small: petit
Cold: fred
Happy: content
Boring: aborrit
New: nou
Tall: alt
Large: gran
Difficult: dificil
Far: lluny
Tired: cansat
Poor: pobre
Free: lliure
Slim: esvelt
Slow: lent
Energetic: energetic
Rich: ric
Cheap: barat
Bad: dolent
Comparative adjectives:
Short adjectives:
Old + -er = Older
Large + -r = Larger
Hot + -er = Hotter double consonant
Fanny + no y -ier = Funnier
Good + irregular = Better
Bad + irregular = Worse
Long adjectives:
Expensive = more + adjective: more expensie
Boring = more + adjective: more boring
Superlative adjective:
Short adjective:
Old + -est = the oldest
Large + -st = the largest
Hot + -est = the hottest: double consonant
Funy + - iest = the funiest
Good + iregular = the best
Bad + irregular = the worst
Paul: What's your favourite TV programme?
Charlote: Friend. I think it's great!
Paul: So do I. But I prefer the Simpson
Charlote: Really? Why?
Paul: In my opinion. The Simpson is fannier than Friend.
Charlote: I don't agree. I don't think cartoons are very funny.
My favourite TV programme
I think Cleo, Ricky and Emma in the middle is the best programme onTV. It's an American series about three girls that are sirens. I usually watch it with my famili because we all like it.
The most important characters are Cleo, Emma, Ricky and Lewis. They are friends, they have got one friend, Lewis, he is very intelligent.
I like Emma, she is intelligent, she like working hard and she is fantastic.
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