Listen to music: escultar música
Play Volleyball: jugar a voleivol
Go to the cinema: anar al cine
Play computer games: jugar a jocs de l'ordinador
Read magazines: llegir revistes
Surf the internet: navegar per internet
Meet friends: quedar amb els amics
Go shopping: anar de compres
Go for dinner: anar a sopar
Go dancing: anar a ballar
Go for a walk: anar a passejar
Play football:jugar a futbol
What?: Que?
Great!: Bé!
Don't worry: No et procupis
What's so funny?: Que es tan gracios?
Present Simple:
Affirmative: I play football
Negative: I'm not play footbll
Interrogative: Am I play football?
Affirmative: Daily rotines and Real fact
he,she,it + "S","ES", "IES"
Negative: She doesn't study English
Don't+ base form Doesn't
Interrogative: Does she play football?
Do you go the cinema?
[Do/Does + subject + base form]
Question words:
Who?: Qui?
Why?: Per que?
Where?: On?
When?: Quan?
How often?: Cada quant?
What?: Que?
Adverbs of frequency:
Always: sempre
Usually: normalment
Often: sovint
Sometimes: algunes vegades
Hadly ever: casi mai
Never: mai
Homa: What CD is thi, Myrna?
Myrna: It's the Arrebato CD.
Homa: I can't stant Arrebato
Myrna: What music do you like?
Homa: Efecto Mariposa.
Myrna: What about Jonas Brothers? Do you like them?
Homa: They're fantastic. The guitarrist is really cool.
Myrna: Yeah, I really like them, too. Reading and writing:

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